Saturday, October 18, 2008

Because the obvious thing to do when you're having trouble keeping one blog current... to create a new one!

Yes, since I was posting too frequently on this blog for my computer to keep up with me, I've created a new blog for the overflow inspiration.

Actually, the real reason I created a new blog is to keep a digital scrapbook of our homeschooling adventures. I hope it will act as a kind of report of what we do, a place to record the kids' work and accomplishments (more "portable" than boxes of papers), and possibly a source of the occasional idea for another homeschooler (I know I've certainly gained a lot of inspiration by reading other people's ideas online).

It may be completely boring for those not interested in homeschooling, my kids' weekly educational activities, or our choices for curriculum, so I'll try to keep interesting, general family posts on this blog.

Anyway, for those who are interested in our homeschool, I present to the world...

....[drum roll]....

3 R's on the Rez


P.S. Hey, Kim & Jordana - how about starting your own?

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